Learning Support Results

Author: Shaunk...


Shaun is currently studying for a degree in Design for Digital Media at Leeds College of Art and Design. He has long standing and persistent difficulties related to a slow rate of reading and a very short span of concentration. He consulted his doctor about his lack of concentration and was advised that it may be a mild polar disorder or habit. He has completed informal screening checklists for dyslexia, for example, that of the BDA and which have shown several positive indicators. Shaun has been referred for a full diagnostic assessment in order to gain a greater insight into the pattern of his strengths and difficulties and understand more about any underlying reasons for his problems.

This assessment of Shaun's current cognitive and literacy skills, together with a structured interview and free writing indicate his attainments in literacy are commensurate with his overall ability. He shows considerable strengths in his use and understanding of language. At the same time he has significant problems with processing written information in a time limit. Shaun's profile indicates a specific difficulty in the area of processing information. Brown's ADD Scales highlighted the high probability of Attention Deficit Disorder.

To help him in his course Shaun would benefit by an awareness of this specific difficulty by his academic tutors so that he is given specific and focused advice about necessary reading, plenty of time to complete reading and assignments, and extra time if he takes exams. He should attend any study skills courses related to writing assignments.


Shaun attended Bishopthorpe Primary School followed by Tadcaster Grammar secondary school where he recalls always reading slowly and 'squiggly' handwriting. He was considered academically able and received no extra help. Even with no revision he gained these grades at GCSE: English CC, Maths C, Science AA, French D, Business Studies D. He also took Art and gained an E grade because he did not hand in any course work.

After secondary school Shaun took a GNVQ course in Media Studies where he experienced difficulties with essay writing. He subsequently had a series of jobs. At 17 he was a chef until he was made redundant and so then went to work in Ibiza for three years. At the age of 21 he worked as a data analyst, then as an investment representative for a stock broking company, which he found boring. At the age of 24 he worked in graphic design until he came to Leeds College of Art and Design in September 2007. At the same time that he was working, Shaun was actively involved in furthering his education. He took an IT certificate and studied web design for three years by using training DVDs. He went to Spanish classes for one year. He started a Social Science degree with the Open University but found the number of books he had to read a problem. For entry to College he worked on, and completed, an extensive portfolio.

At College Shaun has attained good marks for essays (between 50 and 70). His problem is a recurring one of a slow speed of reading when he has lots of text to read. In the past he has found audio books very useful and is currently using one for meditation. He continues to be able only to concentrate for short lengths of time and if this is when he is reading for his course, he often gives up.

Apart from taking medical advice about the problem of concentration, Shaun's overall health is good. He has no problems with hearing, speech and language, or motor development. He wears contact lenses as he is short sighted. None of his family display dyslexia type difficulties.

Overall, the background information/history did not otherwise reveal any special factors which have had a bearing on Shaun's educational development.


The assessment took place in one three hour session with short breaks in a warm, quiet environment. Shaun appeared relaxed and under no stress. He cooperated readily in all the assessment tasks. Scores should therefore be reliable and valid.

For a summary of the test results see appendix 1. For a brief description of each test see appendix 2.



As already noted, Shaun has always read slowly. Nevertheless, he enjoys reading for pleasure and demonstrates an eclectic taste in reading material. For example, he has recently read books about web design, philosophy, and neuroscience. His strategy is to have several books 'on the go' at once and read bits of them. However, with academic texts he needs to reread them to understand and retain what he has read, which he attributes to a short attention span. He reads by sight recognition, and is comfortable with reading aloud.

WIAT-II-T: Accuracy, Comprehension and Speed of Reading. Single Word Reading

In the WIAT-II single word, untimed reading test, Shaun attained a standard score of 104 (percentile 61), an average score. He read fluently and confidently; his extensive vocabulary was clearly demonstrated and the error on the word 'conscience' (he read 'conscious') was probably a simple mistake made by reading too quickly.


In this test, sentences and short passages are read followed by questions about the main ideas and specific details. Questions are asked that indicate the ability to remember facts, make inferences, draw conclusions or define words using context clues.

Shaun attained a standard score of 114 (percentile 82), a high average score and the standard expected of someone of his ability. He demonstrated a good use of contextual clues to aid his understanding and had a clear grasp of the main ideas. As he usually had to look back at the text to find the answers, for complete accuracy he would have to reread the text several times. In his own words, the text sometimes 'went over my head' and he asked for a few questions to be repeated as his mind had 'drifted.'

Reading speed

Shaun's average reading speed over the 5 texts, which are graded in difficulty, was 124 words per minute, a below average score. Undergraduates would be expected to read about 180 to 200 words per minute.

TOWRE: Test of Word Reading Efficiency

TOWRE is used to assess an individual's ability to recognise and read accurately words and non words at speed. The DfES Guidelines for DSA assessments state this test can be used for qualitative purposes for mature students over the test ceiling of 25 years 11 months.

Shaun's overall standard score for reading efficiency was 83 (percentile 13). As the nonword score was in the average range, Shaun does not have a problem with the sound/symbol relationship. However, he attained a well below average score (standard score 77, percentile 6) in the sight reading subtest. This confirms the fact that Shaun experiences considerable difficulties processing information quickly when he is reading and well below what would be expected given Shaun's general ability. This clearly has implications for the extensive reading required in a degree course.

WIA T -11- T Spelling

Shaun attained a standard score of 106 (percentile 66), placing him in the average range. Shaun is aware of spelling rules but says he usually relies on the PC's spell checker.


A piece of free writing showed that Shaun, who is right handed, uses a legible, cursive handwriting style and writes at 20.3 words per minute. This is a little below average as an average rate of writing for a student in HE is about 25 to 30 words per minute. However, it must be noted that he wrote about a familiar subject and in academic work, where he would have to think and write about more difficult material, or under time pressure, his writing may be slower. It must also be noted that he has 'good and bad' days for writing; on the 'bad' days his writing deteriorates.

Overall, Shaun wrote with respect for punctuation, sentence structure, good vocabulary and appropriate paragraphing. When asked to proof read his work he was able to correct his spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Shaun 'sort of' plans what he is writing and does not experience difficulty in expressing himself. He does not usually take notes as he relies on the handouts and his memory to recall and review.


The Wide Range Intelligence Test (WRIT) was administered to assess Shaun's overall ability. It includes an individual range of sub tests designed to measure the ability of students from 4 - 85 years.

The Verbal Analogies sub-test requires the participant to provide a word orally that best completes a verbally presented analogy, such as, "Cat is to kitten as dog is to ---." The Vocabulary sub-test requires the participant to define verbally an orally presented word.

The Matrices sub-test requires the participant to select a picture from among several alternatives to complete an implied visual-perceptual relationship. The Diamonds subtest requires the participant to reproduce a two and three dimensional patterns using chips shaped as single or multiple diamonds.

The WRIT has a high correlation with WAIS-1 11, WISC-1 11 and is co-normed with WRA T3.

Shaun attained a standardised score of 122 (percentile 93) on the visual scales placing him in the above average range and showing his excellent reasoning skills. On the verbal scales he attained a standard score of 111 (percentile 77) placing him in the high average range. His general standard score of 119 (percentile 90) places him in the above average range of overall ability.


Digit Memory Test

The Digit Memory test measures working and short-term auditory memory for numbers and is one of the well recognised tests for dyslexia. Shaun's standard score was 114 (percentile 83), a high average score. It suggests that Shaun's short term memory is better than he thinks.

Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SMDT)

SMDT measures the ability to look for information, remember it and then record it in writing in a given time. Shaun attained a well below average score (standard score 67, percentile 1) and well below the score expected given his overall ability. He clearly has considerable difficulties with processing information and retrieving the right information under timed conditions. This provides further evidence of Shaun's difficulties with processing that impact on his ability to read quickly.

CTOPP: Phonological Efficiency

Shaun's phonological abilities (using and recalling sounds which are important in good spelling and reading) were assessed using CTOPPS. The DfES Guidelines for DSA assessments state this test can be used for qualitative purposes for mature students over the test ceiling of 25 years 11 months.

Shaun's awareness of individual sounds and the ability to manipulate them as shown in the Elision and Blending Words tests were in the above average range (standard score 118, percentile 89).

The results for the Rapid Naming of letters and numbers in which he was asked to read letters and numbers in a time limit indicated a low average score (standard score 85, percentile 16). It was observed that he read letters jerkily and was hesitant at times; there was an improvement when he used a coloured overlay. As Shaun is unable to repeat individual letters and numbers at speed, his very slow speed of processing means he needs time to look, think, work out the words that he has spell or read, particularly if they are not in his sight vocabulary.


Memory and Organisation

Shaun describes his short term memory as 'not brilliant' but he has strategies in place to recall information, manage his time and be well organised, for example, diaries, colour themes, files, post-its. He has a good memory for statistics and facts and is able to follow oral and written instructions. Shaun thinks about left and right; they are not automatic. He has no problems with map reading and or getting lost.

Mearles-Irlen Syndrome

Shaun showed indicators associated with visual stress. He often loses his place when reading, at times tracks with his finger, may reread or skip lines, may read numbers or words back to front, is easily distracted and may become fidgety or restless. He may develop a headache when reading which he feels is connected with the concentration required. These are symptomatic of Mearles-Irlen Syndrome. Shaun found an aqua overlay for reading beneficial; the print was clearer and more comfortable to read. He subsequently used the overlay in some of the tests as it was more comfortable. If an overlay continues to be useful, spectacles with tinted lenses, as recommended by a qualified diagnostician, would be more useful for lectures, note taking, and working in the different environments required on an academic course.

Attention Deficit Disorder

In view of Shaun's problems with concentration, Brown's ADD Scales were administered. Shaun had to answer 'never, once a week, twice a week, or almost daily' to a range of questions about his general behaviour. His total score of 59 places him in the 'highly probable' range, indicating that Shaun has a profile consistent with Attention Deficit Disorder. This result provides some insight, and understanding of, why Shaun has difficulties with concentration. However, the 'Brown Scales' only provide a screening of difficulties; for a more formal diagnosis, Shaun will require a full assessment from a clinical psychologist.

Strengths and weaknesses

Shaun has adopted many effective coping strategies to help him. Additional strengths he identifies are:

• Well organised

• Creative

• Resourceful

• Enterprising

• Good communicator

• People skills

• Ability to cope

• Well balanced interest in arts/science

The above background information and tests indicate Shaun to have:

• Above average ability

• Excellent reasoning skills

• Good vocabulary

However, he exhibits persistent difficulties related to:

• A short concentration span

• The length of time it takes to read texts

• The length of time it may take to complete set tasks.


The aim of this diagnostic assessment was to gain insight into the pattern of Shaun's strengths and difficulties, understand more about any underlying reasons for his problems, and identify ways of helping him access fully his current course.

Diagnostic assessments indicate Shaun's overall ability is in the above average range. His visual reasoning skills are in the superior range. His single word reading accuracy is average, and reading comprehension, when timed, falls in the above average range. His reading speed is below average and much lower than can be expected, given his overall ability. His sight reading efficiency is below average and significantly lower than can be expected, given his overall ability. He has a major, specific weakness in the area of processing words efficiently. Evidence from his educational history indicates this problem is persistent and long-standing. His assessment results show a specific processing difficulty which affects the extensive reading required in a degree course.

Shaun presents as a charming, interesting and able young man who has a pattern of significant strengths and who is to be commended for his interest in many spheres of education. Brown's Scales indicate that ADD is probable. He is also to be commended for trying to establish the cause of his limited concentration span and put in place strategies to help. He has a good level of general ability and academic potential. With appropriate support, he should be able to improve his performance further and recommendations are made below.


Academic Tutor Support

All academic tutors should be aware that Shaun has an above average level of overall ability but who has greater difficulty than others in producing work that is commensurate with his ability, especially when there are time constraints.

These strategies would be helpful:

• Copies of PowerPoint slides and notes should be made available to Shaun before, or at the beginning of, the lecture where possible, preferably on pale blue coloured paper.

• Tutors should give clear deadlines for assignments and guidance in what is expected at the beginning of the semester. If this is not possible, extra time for the submission of assignments is appropriate.

• Tutors should be clear, selective and as directive as possible in their suggestions for reading.

• Positive and constructive feedback should be given to Shaun to help him improve his personal performances in aspects of literacy and have confidence in his own ability.

Examination Support

Whilst Shaun's course is not currently assessed by examination, if this should change, the following provision should be made:

• 25% extra time for examinations

Study skills and other support The following would be useful:

• Shaun should be encouraged to attend any study skills support groups that may be available, especially in the areas of assignment structure and implementation.

• Developing reading strategies, including skimming and scanning. Useful, free software includes Sheffield University's reading materials (www.dyslexiastudyskills.group.shef.ac. uk).

• A useful diary/student planner/organiser is a Student Planner (ISBN 978-0-23051777-6).

• A dictaphone so that lectures may be recorded.

• Shaun may find software useful so he can listen to, and see, the text; the new versions are more 'user friendly', for example, Kurzweil, Texthelp Read and Write. Inspirations is a useful mind mapping programme for planning assignments.

• Shaun should use an aqua coloured overlay for reading and pale blue paper for writing and notetaking. Glasses with tinted lenses, following a thorough diagnosis by a qualified and experienced Irlen diagnostician such as Celia Stone of lrlen North East (tel. 01943 871189), or at branches of Specsavers are recommended.

• Shaun should experiment to find a suitable PC screen background colour to use where practicable, and should just adjust the contrast and brightness on-screen to make it as comfortable as possible. Font style should be adjusted (Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana) and font size for optimum comfort; small print in Times New Roman is often difficult to read.

• Shaun should continue his excellent routine to improve his levels of concentration including meditation, eating healthy food without additives and colours, drinking water, and taking supplements including high quality fish oils. Current research suggests that fish oil supplements improve concentration and memory if taken daily and that drinking plenty water throughout the day can help concentration by up to 30%. For a thorough diagnosis of ADD, a further report from a clinical psychologist should be considered.

Library facilities

It would be helpful if arrangements could be made for Shaun e.g. extra borrowing time when necessary if he has extensive reading to do.

I enjoyed meeting Shaun and wish him well in the future.

Sandra Falshaw. B.A. (Soc Stud.), P.G.C.E., Adv. Diploma in Education, RSA

Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia)

PATOSS Assessment Award: Practising Certificate No. 5000043-3310V


Overall test results are expressed as standard scores for which an average value corresponds to 100. An average standard score of 100 corresponds to percentile 50. This percentile represents the percentage of a comparable population that would achieve at or below the stated standard score. Approximately half of the population will achieve standard scores between 90 and 109.

ATTAINMNETS IN LITERACY Standard Percentile Comment



WIAT-II-T SW Reading 104 61 Average

Comprehension 114 82 Above average

Speed of Reading 124 wpm Below average

Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)

Sight Word Efficiency 77 6 Below average

Phonemic Decoding Efficiency 94 35 Average

Total Word Reading Efficiency 83 13 Below average


WIAT-II-T: S. Word 106 66 Average

Free Writing

10 Minute handwriting 20.3 wpm* Low average * wpm - words per minute

avo - average



Wide Range Intelligence Test (WRIT)

Verbal Subtests: Verbal analogies 109 73 Average

Vocabulary 110 75 High average

VerballQ 111 77 High average

Visual Subtests: Matrices 117 87 Above average

Diamonds 120 91 Above average

VisuallQ 122 93 Above average

GenerallQ 119 90 Above

average COGNITIVE PROCESSING Standard Percentile Comment


Digit Memory Test 114 83 High average

Symbol Digit Modalities Test 67 1 Extremely


CTOPP: Phonological Awareness 118 89 Above


CTOPP: Rapid Naming 85 16 Low average Chart to show standard scores, percentile range and equivalent descriptions.

Standard Score Percentile range Description

130 & above more than 98 Very high

115-129 85 -97 Above average

110-114 75- 84 High average

90 -109 25 -74 Average

85-89 16 - 24 Low average

70-84 3-15 Below average

69 & below 1 - 2 Extremely weak


Wide Range Intelligence Test (WRIT)

A comprehensive test of verbal, visual and general cognitive ability. It consists of 4 sub-tests: verbal analogies, vocabulary, matrices and diamonds.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test -second edition for teachers (WIAT-II-T):

Single Word Spelling

A standardised single word spelling test. The learner is asked to write single words which become progressively more difficult. The test assesses the ability to spell dictated letters, letter blends and words. It includes homophones and the examinee has to use context clues from the dictated sentences to use the correct spelling. The test allows observations to be made about spelling knowledge and strategies.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test -second edition for teachers (WIAT -11- T):

Single Word Reading

A standardised single word reading test without the benefit of context. The learner reads single words which become progressively more difficult. Skills required include whole word recognition and decoding. The test can help to identify reading strategies.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test -second edition for teachers (WIAT -II-T):

Reading Comprehension

This assesses comprehension, speed and accuracy. The examinee reads passages and answers questions about the content such as identifying the main idea and the details, making inferences and using context clues. Short sentences containing target words are read aloud and questions asked about the text.

Digit Span test (Dyslexia Institute)

This phonological task is a test of the learner's ability to retrieve verbally encoded information from short term memory. Progressively longer digits are read out. The learner is required to repeat the digits in the same order and then in reverse.

Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)

TOWRE requires the person to read out loud both single words (Sight Word Efficiency) and non-words (Phonemic Decoding Efficiency) row after row for 45 seconds. It is used to test word reading ability, the individual's ability to pronounce printed words accurately and fluently.

Symbol Digit Modalities Test

This is a timed test in which numbers are substituted for shapes as shown in the key at the top of the page and measures the speed of manipulating written symbols, search and memory, fine motor control and concentration.

Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)

CTOPP assesses three kinds of phonological processing: phonological awareness, phonological memory and rapid naming. Phonological Awareness (core tests Elision and Blending Words) refers to the individual's awareness of, and access to, the sound structure of his or her oral language. Phonological Memory (core tests Memory for Digits and Non Word Repetition) refers to coding information for temporary storage in working long term or short term memory. Rapid Naming (core tests Rapid Digit Naming and Rapid Letter Naming) requires efficient retrieval of phonological information from long term memory.


Reading for this Brief

Author: Shaunk...

I went all out on the educational and training front as far as this brief is concerned. Not only did I persistently refer to the Adobe manual used in class and scour the internet for snippets, tutorials or examples. I borrowed a ton of books from the library, revisited some old training DVD's and watched a few new tutorials. Here is a selection of the sources used:



Author: Shaunk...

During the course of researching this brief I have come across several example of Ketchup or Heinz as the subject of art pieces. This alone gives considerable insight into the identity and familiarity within mass culture which the brand has established for itself. The Heinz brand, ketchup and the glass bottle are all now considered to be Iconic.



The Avatars

Author: Shaunk...

These are some of the hand drawn graphics created for the Avatars so far...


Working it out?

Author: Shaunk...

This is a load of the scribbles I made while developing the Actionscript for the site. I'm happy to say I now get the general idea of how to make things happen, can note the process down on paper and even sometimes convert to pigeon Actionscript.


Concept Docs

Author: Shaunk...

These were the early concepts showing the route I chose to develop.


Random and Useless Facts

Author: Shaunk...

Just came across these when researching text content for my website...

Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as a medicine.

Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system. A few ounces will kill a small sized dog.

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand.

American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.

Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants.

Money isn't made out of paper, it is made out of cotton.

The 57 on a Heinz ketchup bottle represents the variety of pickles the Company once had.

Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.

The dot over the letter ' i' is called the title.

A duck's quack doesn't echo, no one knows why.

Forty percent of McDonald's profit comes from the sales of 'happy meals'.

Every person has a unique tongue print.

315 entries in Websters 1996 dictionary were misspelled.

On an average, 12 newborns will be given to wrong parents daily.

During the famous chariot scene in "Ben Hur", a small red car can be seen at a distance.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

Leonardo Da vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.

There are no clocks in the Las Vegas gambling casinos.

There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange, purple and silver.

A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it go mad instantly and sting itself to death.

Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

The glue on Israeli postage stamp is certified kosher(halal).

Guiness Book Of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages them.


I'm Special.

Author: Shaunk...

I had a learning disability test the other week. The good (well not especially good or bad) news is I'm not dyslexic. The results say I probably have Mearleas-Irlen Syndrome. This can be remedied by getting some sexy tinted glasses. I've also got a highly probable result back in terms of ADD.

Will post results when I can run hen through the text rec. at home.


Late, Late, Late...

Author: Shaunk...

OK. I'm running about two weeks behind schedule in terms of DDM work. Still mustn't, shouldn't n shalln't dwell on thing you cannot control. A couple of days to go on the Critical studies deadline and a whole week on the Optional Pathway front.

Wanted to get the photographic content sorted for the end of this week but when I went down to book the studio yesterday I was told Paul would be in Liverpool until monday. Bugger! So will have to leave graphics until next week but luckily this may not be a problem. I've got a little more experience and have more knowledge when it comes to project management now and I've noticed I've naturally taken a different approach to the way I'm doing this brief. Previously I went though a stage of playing, experimenting then developing what I liked with no clearly defined end. This time I've gone though a established pattern. Briefing - research - concepts - development then at this point with out think ing about it I split the project in two. Functionality and design.

The functionality was a process of thinking "right, this thing ere wants to do this and effect that". Once I have a cause & effect process established I then went about scribbling rough notes in pigeon Actionscript to give me a rough idea of how to achieve something. Then it was a matter of experimentation, backward engineering, referencing books and eliminating all the wrong ways.

I'm pretty impressed I actually managed to work out quite a bit of the code myself. I haven't got internet at home at the moment so can't ask the almighty all knowing Google to instantly answer my questions. At present this seems to be a beneficial way of learning and becoming familiar with a programming language as you gain more insight into how and why the functionality works in the way it does. This said I'll probably be cursing n growling at myself as the deadline approaches!

I want to get as much interactivity into the site as possible. I've been working out how to generate random numbers, dynamic text loaded from external sources or arrays and a few other tricks. At present a have a skelington. I want to finish him off over the weekend then next week he can get some meat on his bones.

I seemed to get loads of work done last night & this morning at home. I've just realised I'm now at college and I've got nearly 20 tabs open, maybe the lack of internet can be good in terms of distractions?


Fantastic Flash Site

Author: Shaunk...

I just came across this listed on the FWA site.


I love the look, the animation and interactivity all have that natural feel. This is the kind of sites I aspire to produce. Web spaces that don't look like web pages. Interactive environments built to communicate.


Brainstorming Docs

Author: Shaunk...

This is how I started out the creative process. I was undecided on which option to choose at this point so this was early I idea development utilizing some techniques taken from recent reading.



Author: Shaunk...

It's been a while since I learnt Actionscript and even longer since I learnt Flash. I've neglected the software quite a bit, I was focussing on CSS/HTML, design and strategic principals more over the past year. Now I've come back to Actionscript and I'm looking to utilize it to it's full potential.

I have to say the break has done good. Coming back to Actionscript with a fresh view seems to have simplified things a little. I couldn't at the moment hand code but I do seem to have a general idea of how the code needs to be structured and can see how to make things happen.

I think the major problem I had with Flash before were the issues caused when publishing the files to the internet. I don't realistically think these will be resolved until I know javascript.


Catch up.

Author: Shaunk...

Not posted much lately. Been run off my feet due to clients providing assets late therefore messing up my time planning and clashing with other projects. I've also discovered you cannot rely on invoices to be paid on time. On top of this I've been sorting out moving house, this has gone wrong at every turn and I'm amazed a business in this day and age can't even process card payments. I thought only grannies send cheques and postal orders still...


Finally got round to scanning these in...


Dazed and Deleuzed

Author: Shaunk...

Thought of several interesting things I should post on here recently but can't remember what they are now so I'll just start guessing...

Deleuze, Deleuze, who the fuck is Deleuze?
I recently have been given as a present a(nother!!!) book to read named Chaos, Territory, Art. I skimmed the first few paragraphs on a train journey and the book is written for an audience familiar with Deleuze. I'm not. Strangely enough a couple of days later the book I started reading for my critical studies presentation contained references to the illusive Deleuze. Following this I then come across a quote from Foucault (a teacher and theorist I am familiar with) praising Deleuze and declaring
"one day, perhaps, this century will be called Deleuzian."

I listened to a program on radio the other day. They were discussing how the brain processes thoughts. I am intrigued.

I met a gnat, a gnat with a cat. He wore a hat and you know what he said? No.
The gnat in the hat without playing the Pratt said...



Author: Shaunk...

Today we went over a little more Actionscript. I'm totally out of practice however I'm happy to say things are slowly returning, I'm recognizing some of the terms and the syntax is making some sense. Still pretty impressed by Flash as a piece of software, it's just sooooo simple to turn anything from a coloured dot to a complex graphic into a intricate and dynamic animated experience.

On the brief front I'm still being indecisive. I still have some good ideas and could easily come up with some variations on these. I have also pondered on the idea of adding story to the game (I am the Tomato King kinda thing) and for some unknown reason I started thinking about pop art in the session today. Maybe this comes from the Campbells Soup/Heinz Soup association. However it could be pretty nice to play with this idea as Heinz does possess nostalgic qualities.



Author: Shaunk...

For the Heinz Ketchup site I feel drawn to the obvious subject of tomatoes. Everybody loves tomatoes. Unfortunately how you could turn a tomato into an interactive experience has not yet come to me. I'm still playing around with the first few concepts, these have potential but I'm curious if I can devise an unusual use for the red fruit (think it's classed as a fruit anyway?).


Heinz Current Sites

Author: Shaunk...

Nice looking site. Cleaver mix of static imagery, web 2.0 graphic styles, flash content, functionality and navigation. Overall nature is soft and clear, the colour use and imagery give a natural/organic impression and I could see this site appealing to a wide audience. This is also supported by the variety offered ie. facts, marketing, fun apps and purposeful elements.

Don't think I'm very impressed by the look of this site. It seems quite simple and cartoon like, almost as if it's aimed at children. I wouldn't say it's bad but the animation isn't amazing and it's not particularly fun, exciting or outstanding for any reason. The content is diverse, well organized and structured in an accessible manner. The navigation is obvious and generally the site communicates the information it needs to satisfactorily however it does this in a somewhat bland fashion.
Some interesting stuff about the history of the logo and the glass bottles as well as some stuff about the popularity of Heinz Ketchup, it's even approved by NASA to use in space.

This is an OK site, pretty standard stuff tho. Clean images, lots of negative space and structured lay out create a user friendly, clear site. Pretty text heavy and matter of fact. Very dull.


Idea Generation

Author: Shaunk...

After the initial phases of brainstorming and sketching out ideas I still feel a little like the concepts I have for the Heinz site are not original enough. I've decided to put some more thought into what is important and what must be achieved.

The site need to communicate (flavors, bottle, lid, lycopene)
Promote awareness
Remain loyal to the product/brand
Existing Market

Point of interest/conversation

18 - 30
Young Adult


International Foods___


Jus' Browsing...

Author: Shaunk...

Had a look around on the web for some of the Créme de la Créme of the Flash world. There's a ton of web sites out there showcasing these and hosting charts and polls about them.
The first thing that struck me was how large the Flash files can now be whilst retaining their fluidity. The graphics and video incorporation is now much better quality and the interactive manipulation of the environments now seems to have unlimited potential. There is also some very good animation in terms of movement, physics and realism.

Here is a few of dem der sites:

And these are a few other ones that deserve a mention:

Also I posted another article some time ago about an article run by .net showcasing the best Flash sites of all time, there are some other sites I have in mind too but I cannot remember what there addresses were ate the mo.



Author: Shaunk...

I've been playing around with my ideas this morning and looking at a few sites on the internet. I've made up my mind that I'm going to do the Heinz Ketchup option as I think this brief has most potential for creative expression and application of skills. I also need to work on my Flash skills as I would like to develop these at the same rate as other web knowledge. I also want to apply other improved areas to the final project as I have improved my design & strategic knowledge. There were also some issues with dithering with the last Flash project and I think I know how to resolve these now.

Brainstorms/Mind maps & concepts to follow the scanners don't work in here...


Primitive Shaun's been meaning to post this stuff up for a while but always gets distracted or runs out of time. You may know already, but if you don't know I'm going to tell you now anyway, I've been teaching myself web design for the past three years or so and since starting at LCAD I've been working towards getting my own little web designers set up.

I've learned a phenomenal amount since starting here, not particularly from the course although I have gained some priceless experience and knowledge from the modules we've covered. No, although I would have liked to spent more time concentrating on the design and web technologies I've had to learn a ton of stuff about how to run a company, devising pricing, process flows, documentation, accounting, legalities, client handling, marketing, copy writing etc. etc. I'm not even going to mention some of the other random subjects I've covered on a personal level!

I've most definitely broadened my horizons, rekindled some long lost hobbies, interests and passions and also found a few new ones. I've had a battle and a half working out the best way to harness my peculiar mind, developing some unusual yet functional processes. My ongoing war against time and all that it stands for has had some improvements but I doubt I'll ever come to terms with the whole time thing, I just don't believe in it or agree with it.

In terms of web design, like many things the best way to lean and overcome issues is to do. I've built numerous sites sine I began but mainly for myself and as experiments. Last year I did a couple for friends and experience is certainly the best way of improving skills and building confidence.

My priority at the moment is to get a good portfolio and some case studies together, refining my work flow process and then building a decent version of my site.

I've included images of my sites so far, I'll tell you a little about them but not now. When your old enough.


Think I'm a Pluralist

Author: Shaunk...

I was just flicking through the critical studies and I came across a few theories which caught my attention. Firstly Pluralism, this term can be applied to a wide range of subjects however it generally states that there can be several different views, answers or values relating to the same subject and they could all be correct in their own way.

I totally agree with this theory as I learn more diverse subjects I've covered several issues where they can be perfectly explained in a range of ways sometimes contradicting each other sometime complimenting.

The other term was Ontology, this is one of the major branches of Metaphysics. The subject of reality is fascinating to me I've touched on the issue from the point of Buddhism, Quantum Mechanics, Philosophy and it's distantly related to some of the principals behind design/communication theories and mentalism.


Profound and Eerie

Author: Shaunk...

I read the introduction to the Test Your Creative Thinking Book the other day and firstly wanted to share a few extracts.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift" - Albert Einstien

"Creative thinking is all about having ideas. The ultimate purpose is to bring into existence something startlingly original, culturally acceptable and useful too." p.2

It briefly covers some interesting points about the neurology of the brain. Left/right stuff again ie. left produces raw data, right then plays with the data comes up with creative ideas then the left analyzes the ideas to decide if they are crap or not.

The book then goes on to talk about common characteristics of noted creatives. This was the bit I found a little creepy as all of these points are accurate descriptions of me. So either I'm gonna be a creative genius or the characteristics could be universal cold reading type characteristics that most people would associate with?

"A characteristic of creative thinkers is that they like to do things in novel and unusual ways. They are not afraid to take risks and try new ideas, even though they might be wrong and appear foolish. As the poet Johann Wolfegang von Goethe said, 'Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.'
They also possess something called entelechy, which is the vital force that pushes you to make the most of your potential and work towards a specific goal. According to psychologist Howard Gruber, 'the creative person cannot simply be driven, he (or she) must be drawn to his work by visions, hopes, joy of discovery, love of truth, and sensuous pleasure in the creative activity itself.' Being iconoclastic and having a disregard for routine and order, creative thinkers can tend to live chaotically. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact A A Milne, the author of Winnie the Pooh, said, 'One of the advantages of bieng disorderly is taht one is contently making exciting discoveries.'
Creative individuals have a child like sense of playfulness and wonder as well as an unquenchable zest for life. It is as if they never grew up. Consequently, they tend not to take things too seriously and so retain their natural spontaneity. Also, they do not become complacent or allow their thought process to become predictable or stuck in a rut."


C4 Fear Ident

Author: Shaunk...

This is my final piece for the Ident. The sound editing is a bit out of sync and it's far from perfect but it sorta works?


Mi Book Heap

Author: Shaunk...

I've got plenty of reading at the moment, still got a couple of month old .net and computer arts mags I'm working my way through but on top of this I've also got a few books out I'm just starting on.

1) Test your creating thinking - Just started on this one. It is aimed to improve lateral thinking skills and help you develop the techniques used to produce original works.

2) Figments of Reality - This is about the development of mind and human consciousness. It takes a look at the subject from a different angle as to what I have covered in other reading and examines the evidence relating to whether consciousness developed independently from culture or as a result of.

3) At a Distance Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet - This Is the reading for my Critical Studies essay. I've only just read the preface so far. The book is part of The Leonardo Book Series, published by the MIT Press, it publishes texts by artists, scientists, researchers and scholars that present innovative discourse on the convergence of art, science and technology.


Optional Pathway Briefing

Author: Shaunk...

We've just gone through the the selection of briefs available to choose from for this module. I'm certainly doing the interactive route so I'm not even gonna mention the Moving Image stuff. We have three options on the brief, to produce some Flash Banners, a CSS/HTML site or a Flash site.

I'm looking at this brief from the perspective of what will be the most useful to my development. I had already thought about what subjects I wanted to learn this year, I have until recently been focusing on CSS/HTML so am now comfortable creating graphic layouts then converting them to standard complaint CSS. I am still working out some of the issues regarding cross browser compatibility and accessibility but I believe the only way to overcome these is with experience. If I decide to choose the HTML/CSS option I would attempt to challenge myself and do something new which would be useful to know, possibly incorporating dynamic content or other technologies like Javascript, PHP, Flash content or adding various stylesheets for different purposes.

At the moment I'm drawn to the Interactive Flash option as it has been over a year since I studied Flash and I feel my skills are now getting rusty. Also it would be good to have more Flash to add to my portfolio and I do need to start learning Actionscript 3 as I learnt 2 but gave up on it once they released another version to learn.

I haven't fully decided yet as I want to sit down and have a scribble then not think about it for a bit first, I find this is the best way to play around and come up with ideas.


Recent Reading...

Author: Shaunk...

I just finished reading this book recently. I would recommend it but would also issue a caution. The verse and syntax of the book come across to me as a self help book. There are too many bias examples and half truths to make this a work based on hard evidence and proof. Rather this book works best as a stimulant, read what it has to say but don't instantly take that vow of chastity. Masticate on each bit of information it offers and come up with your own conclusion.

There are some very interesting topics covered including the subject of how creativity is stifled by our educational/economical hierarchies. There is also a good amount of information about research into the functionality of the brain and how the left and right cortexes have been mapped, how they function independently of each other and how to enhance one by exercising the other.


"Do you mean confused?" I replied, "Don't worry so am I".

I had a manic weekend trying to sort out all the stuff needed by Business Link and for the Enterprise & Innovation module. There seems to be a million smaller questions that need answering before you can answer any of the bigger questions.

Anyway Monday comes and I had to get my Ident project handed in. Managed to get everything edited in After Effects, I used markers to highlight significant points in the soundtrack and tried to sync the visuals to the music. This could of been done a little better but by this point I wanted to get the thing finished. I believe this alternate approach worked out better than my original idea for me as to get the first idea to look right would have taken some precision editing and quite a bit of patience.
The red and black coloured masks work well for the obvious associations to fear and danger. Even though I used stills for the footage as they are only seen briefly it seems to add some kind of creepiness, like your seeing evidence photos similar to what police take of crime scenes, culprits or the public take of Bigfoot and UFO's.

Got everything polished off on Monday but unfortunately the Library was closed so couldn't get the flippin thing burned to disk. Went off to go find a disk, burned all my files but by the time this was done there was nobody left at college. Bugger!


The Future is Orange.

Author: Shaunk...

No it's not. It's O2.

I'm getting an iPhone... Haaa Ha Ha Ha!


I Like Lists!

Author: Shaunk...

The more I do the more I seem to forget. I'm improving when it comes to time management as I now have a fantastically colorful iCal diary on my computer (unfortunately I can't carry my computer everywhere), I'm getting more familiar with the work I do so can judge time allocation better, I now have processes in place and also have specific client relations experience. The problem is I'm having to now lean about law, finance and other gems of knowledge rather than just focusing on my web design.

Going on what I have read about the human brain I would say my memory is close to it's processing limit. Your short term memory can store on average seven units of conscious information before committing the most relevant stuff to the long term memory. Same as a computer your brain has limits on how much information it can process per second and how much it can store. When I work at full throttle it seems to be a case of 'Quid Pro Quo' where I get loads done but forget what I'm doing. This is annoying for me and my friends as I'm starting to repeat my self or forget what conversations I've had with who.

So need to fix this. I know there's all sorts of exercises to improve memory but I'm impatient and want a quick fix. My solution is Lists. Lists, lists, spreadsheets, diaries, post-its and reminders. I can be obsessively organized at times but this seems to be working in my favor, if I take time out now and again and organize myself, colour code things and write everything down it instantly seems like I have half as much to do and I have somewhere to start.


Welcome to the Tramp Society.

Author: Shaunk...

Not managing to get any work done at home without interruptions and it's stressing me to high heaven at the moment. Looks like I'm going to have to move, I've been trying to avoid this because it's going to be an unwanted expense and will consume some more of my time!
Been living in a shared terrace house and had the basement room which doesn't get much light and as the living room is above my head the place squeaks like a charge-by-the-hour motel.
Me thinks my best option would be to get somewhere on my lone sum as I need piece in the evenings. Have worked out my expenses and can probably stretch to around £400pm if I cut out a few extras. Have sent a few emails and going to start viewing as soon as possible.


Got your number!

Author: Shaunk...

Just spent the last few hours creating spreadsheets. My head is swollen and I'm starting to think I mite actually be a calculator!

Now I have a very concise personal and business budget worked out. On top of this I've worked out my income/cashflow and also have produced a time management (not my strong point!?!) spreadsheet.

Have made a spreadsheet to keep track of my clients, current jobs and invoices. Should be able to import this data into my book keeping package once I find something suitable. Bridget recommended Quickbooks Startup which is only £30, they used this at ATTIK too so I already know how to use the package. Unfortunately they still only make Quickbooks for PC, they is a Mac version in the pipeline to be released Jan '09. I've not decided if I should wait till then because I don't really want to be doing my accounts on a PC.


I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not supposed to be on time. Was supposed to get the Ident project in on Thursday and did try but don't think I could of done it without having a breakdown. Have also decided that I most definitely do not have the patience to do some of the more time consuming tasks involved when it come to using the Adobe software ie. tracing, masking and precise adjustments. Can't really say this surprises me and I'm much happier coming up with ideas, learning new things, resolving problems and bossing other people about.

Had to work today so my Ident project is gonna be another day late. As video is one of the least relevant parts of this course for me I'm not gonna cry about it and as long as it passes I'll still be happy.

Have also been thinking about this course. Although I've definitely benefited from some areas and have made vast improvements to my design skills I'm left with the feeling the course is just too generic for someone who already knows where they want to specialize. The other problem with me is I've already been studying web design for some time and some of the areas where I have specific questions cannot be answered by college staff. This is a problematic issue especially in the New Media field, it is an area which evolves at such a rate as soon as you stop working in the field your knowledge is out of date. I have found myself registering in chat rooms and finding the answers on there or just looking up tutorials on line (something I could have done at home anyway). I've no problem with this but sometimes it does leave the students wondering what the fees are actually paying for?

On the plus side I do believe the college has some really good facilities, there is a good atmosphere between the students, the staff in general are friendly and approachable (although there is some communication issues between departments).

Think I've analyzed enough for one day. Going to sit somewhere else and contemplate life, the universe, eggs and chips...


To Doin my head in!

Author: Shaunk...

I may have been slightly optimistic on how many hours they are in the day. Got 2 jobs and a full time study course plus still studying bits of Spanish, web design, Buddhism, quantum mechanics, philosophy and mentalism as and when I have a spare moment.

Incredibly sleep deprived and this does some very strange things to me, been up and down all week, hyper one minute nodding off the next. Managed to fall asleep three times yesterday and twice today (got some very funny looks on the train when I nutted the table, hahaar!).

Ah well, mustn't grumble. It's all a learning experience.

This is my current list of things to do:

Check Vector mask
Check text layer
Check sound
Choose Images
Do quick storyboard
Edit in A-FX (import assets, set markers, export)
Do evaluation
Sort files to hand in
Reread Enterprise Brief
Reread Critical Brief
Renew library books
Finish reading
Visit finance
Chase dyslexia stuff

Need to print off some more release forms
Filming (capture the footage)
Go over the website
Dropping off the promotional stuff (hospitals, police & venues) and sorting out meetings with bar managers etc.
Need to sort out the photos (me or subcontract)
Sort guest lists for the nights

Do designs for UAL
Do coding for OBR
Meet muff to go through Indigo brief
Get quickbooks (this is for PC?)
Register self employed
Meet solicitor
Meet accountant
Work out chargeables
Get bank account
Re-do Primitive site
Do Javascript training
Do PHP training

Find Home
Pack stuff
Do inventory
Get Pushca stuff
Sort finances
Book train tickets
Canx gym
Canx Virgin
Canx gas & electric
Canx standing order for rent
Find bus or train prices
Set up mail redirection
Work out expenses & debts


London Art

Author: Shaunk...

Wudda bin gud...

Author: Shaunk...

Reet I was planning on doing a vid but after messing around and getting a bit more friendly with After Effects I decided I could achieve the look I wanted using still images and then animating the movements. This change in strategy was also influenced by the fact that getting a camera off Matt was not dissimilar to getting blood out of a stone! Anyway this suits me as then I can skip the FCP editing stage completely and focus on the After Effects hash up.

I got my photos done on Friday. Coincidentally the lights in the basement were about to die and were flickering on and off so it could have worked really well on video. I didn't take out a tripod either as I needed to shoot from low angles and this was a shame as I saw a few moments whilst on location where I could have done some stop motion trickery.

Anyway spent last week playing around with hue, saturation and a load of other experimental tweeks and now should be able to put all this crap together.


Something for the Weekend

Author: Shaunk...

Had a bit of downtime in London last weekend and took in a bit of the culture. I spent Sunday around Hackney area where there is a flower market every weekend on Columbia Road. This was an experience. Loads of flower stalls, huge hustle and bustle of diversely dressed, alternative people and a plethora of bellowing stall holders with stereotypical cockney accents.

There is a ton of independent art shops, galleries and more bric-a-brac shops than you can shake a stick at. Some of the artists creations were not to my taste, they just seemed to lack uniqueness or inspiration however there was some amazing stuff. One of the shops (Ryan Town) had a fantastic painted ceramic tile tingy on the wall and had beautiful paper cut outs (that wanna be beautiful, they were selling at over £3000 a pop).

My favorite had to be the Nelly Duff gallery. They were exhibiting some screen prints by Patrick Thomas (this was his first solo exhibition in the UK). There was a piece entitled "American Investment in Cuba" which I thought was ingenious, I have attached a picture. I thought this stood out because it works on several levels, it has the aesthetic appeal and simply looks good yet it is also saying something, encouraging people to think and raising awareness of taboo issues. The artist communicates and realizes his concept very well, manipulating and combining iconic images to completely change the meaning.




Author: Shaunk...

Just read my last post. What a winge! Can't have been in a very good mood...

Anyhoo, had a wkend off n raring to go. Intended to get camera booked today but got a little sidetracked. I need to have the footage captured and edited before the end of this week so can hopefully get my filming done Tomorrow or Wednesday. I may make some adjustments in final cut to the footage but I mainly intend to use After Effects for alterations to the footage. Since I'm depending on After Effects to give the footage the appropriate look I'm working my way through a training DVD and intend to get this finished before I start the final edit.

I have got a good collection of fonts, still images and audio to use already. Need to sort out the '4' logo and maybe find some sound FX. Priorities this week are
1) Film
2) Edit video
3) Create Stills

This gives me all next week to work on the manipulation of the footage.


Crit Presentations

Author: Shaunk...

Today went OK despite the fact that watching a whole day of presentations is my idea of hell. The room is still far too hot, by the end my contact lenses had dried to a crisp giving me crispy coated eyeballs.

I thought my presentation was alright. I had neglected to anticipate we were presenting our ideas and had my stuff in "bit of paper" format. This didn't take long to remedy however if I had planed the presentation in digital format originally I would have created the background and boards all in landscape format and had the graphic background throughout. The background was probably a more important part then I had considered as the choice of low opacity graphic content and use of imagery communicated the artistic concept behind the film. I should have also made some key points notes as I have researched fear directly for this project and indirectly in some of the reading I've done about mentalism. This gives me a reasonable amount of insight and I should have chosen which points were a must to cover in the presentation.

In general there were some really good ideas from the other kids on the block. The fear ident seemed to be a popular choice illustrating how people seem to have some macabre fascination with this genre. I pondered why this was for a moment and came up with the solution that it may be because it makes no sense. Fear is an unpleasant emotion and it's irrational to want to be scared but people still seek it out. Maybe it's an adrenaline junkie thing?

Also had a look at some stats, the most likely ways to die (this is for US):
Cause of Death
Heart Disease 1-in-5
Cancer 1-in-7
Stroke 1-in-23
Accidental Injury 1-in-36
Motor Vehicle Accident* 1-in-100
Intentional Self-harm (suicide) 1-in-121
Falling Down 1-in-246
Assault by Firearm 1-in-325
Fire or Smoke 1-in-1,116
Natural Forces (heat, cold, storms, quakes, etc.) 1-in-3,357
Electrocution* 1-in-5,000
Drowning 1-in-8,942
Air Travel Accident* 1-in-20,000
Flood* (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-30,000
Legal Execution 1-in-58,618
Tornado* (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-60,000
Lightning Strike (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-83,930
Snake, Bee or other Venomous Bite or Sting* 1-in-100,000
Earthquake (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-131,890
Dog Attack 1-in-147,717
Asteroid Impact* 1-in-200,000**
Tsunami* 1-in-500,000
Fireworks Discharge 1-in-615,488
** Perhaps 1-in-500,000

Strangely enough not much chance of been killed by a VHS tape or a spirit with a grudge because someone nicked her hairbrush!

Anyway I'm pooped and my heads dilapidated. Worked every day for nearly three weeks so taking myself off to London and not doing no work for the next couple of days.


Research & Concept Docs...

Author: Shaunk...

What Scares People?

Author: Shaunk...

Last time we had a video brief I looked into the psychological aspects of fear. This time I've done a bit more rummaging around and now it's beginning to look like the more normal and mundane the better. Fear, like advertising, works best when people relate to it.

Now there is also the matter of the unknown. It seems peoples minds are there own worst enemy so to coin the phrase "less is more" I intend to use distorted or unfocused images in the footage. Scare yourself, I'll just point you in the right direction.

How to scare people?

Random illustration I came across and liked!

Horror now and then


Fear Me! Woooo....

Author: Shaunk...

I now have a lovely collection of brushes and fonts to play with....


R & D

Author: Shaunk...

Artistically I think I should explore the dark side of my imagination a little more. The research I did for the last video I made with Luke has given me a little insight into the Horror/Thriller genre so I've now firmly decided to do the Fear option.

I also think my heads settled on the idea it wants to manifest. I have spent today collecting appropriate fonts, brushes & colours to create the artwork side of things and have also put more thought into the location/subject filming.

I got a few good horror images now which I'm going to sample colours from to get a good pallet.


Hyphen Shmiphen!

Author: Shaunk...

I registered www.primitive-ink.com as my business domain. Since then I've been having doubts about this for a few reasons. I have studied a little bit about effective business naming and the general consensus is keep it short simple and descriptive as possible (tricks like hard vowels and alliteration also work well). I'm not sure why I chose my name, my thinking at the time was something like a web design company called primitive was a nice oxymoron and the Ink bit was a sort of play on Inc. I might drop the Ink bit in the future.

I also since learned the trouble that can be caused by hyphens. People have a tendency to get these wrong either missing them out or putting underscores by mistake. I've also noticed this could be an SEO issue as the hyphen can affect the position in listings. Not too sure what I'm going to do about this yet, could either register a few of the alternatives and have them redirect or change it completely.


Busness Link Meeting

Author: Shaunk...

Had a meeting with an adviser this morning to go over my plans and to find out more information. It was a really positive meeting, we covered all sorts of subjects and I now have a better idea of what is urgent and what can wait. Something that needs to be worked out first is a business plan and cash flow projections. This is pretty difficult for me at the moment, I've been working on pricing systems and calculating chargeable items but until I've perfected my own site and started to actively promote myself it's impossible to say. My initial target audience is individuals and small businesses. These will be pretty cheap options, some template based some custom made. As this is the case each client could be paying anything between £50 - £5000 depending on how much content they want to be original and how many technologies they want.

I can produce basic designed and coded sites for some people this will be enough for others I'm gonna have to use freelancers.

Going to have a meeting with Briget next to discuss what the college has to offer but at the moment things are looking good. The adviser even said there is a possibility I could be added to their database and they could refer new businesses to me! Another bonus is that they may also be able to arrange a meeting with a solicitor to sort out contracts and T&C's.

This is pretty much what we covered:
My Business - Progress & Future
Contracts, copyright & legalities
Business Plan
Cash flow & forecasts
Business Address & Insurance
Tax & Accounts


Is Avertising Brainwashing?

Author: Shaunk...

The more I have learned about Social Science, pyscology and mentalism over the past couple of years the more this question seems to pop up. So where should we draw the line?


Project Time Management

Author: Shaunk...

Right this time I've started out by making a new iCal calendar, adding the studio time first then looking at how much additional time should be spent on the project. It's a 20 credit module so I think that should be 200 hours. Next I've worked out what needs to be covered during this project, I'll then go about breaking it down and adding it to my calendar.

Time needs to be alloted for:
Video Capture
Video Final Cut Editing
Sound Design & Typography
Voice over capture
After Effects Editing
Final Amendments


I came across some vids on Youtube that have been made by editing together clips from traditional happy happy feel good films and adding sound tracks/FX to turn them into horror trailers. The "Scary Mary" is phenomenal, it had me in stitches. This is a powerful example how clever editing can control the viewers perception of events. It also rings true to some of the subjects covered in Ben Eltons book "Dead Famous".


Ident Research

Author: Shaunk...

I spent today doing a little research watching current and past Idents and doing a bit of research about channel four. Here are a few links to the sites I've viewed.

Early Idents

1982 - 1991



90\'s Close

Popular Culture associations & mocks


More Recent Idents



C4 Generic

Channel 4 ident light refraction

The Simpsons Ident

Some reading about Channel 4\'s Brand Identity

The extracts below are taken from C4\'s site -


Each channel has its own logo, all of which are based on the iconic 1982
animated original. As with all logos there is a constant updating process. This
\'re-invention of the brand\' is particularly important for a channel which prides
itself on being challenging and innovative.

\"At its best, the Channel 4 identity has always been about transformation and
movement. The original, animated logo came to be seen as the embodiment of an
organisation that was constantly re-inventing itself and challenging the
expectations of its viewers. The new Channel 4 identity uses cutting edge technology
to push the brand into exciting new areas.\"

Style Guides

\"The visual identity is the outward expression of Channel 4. It uniquely and
distinctively sets it apart from other channels. The logo is the primary element
of that identity. However, other component parts play an important role in
establishing the Channel 4 visual style. These elements are: colour, typography,
imagery and tone of voice.\"\'

\'On-air\' and \'off-air\' promotional material are carefully controlled by
regularly updated style guides. Each channel has its own specially designed
\'fonts,\' \'page layouts\' and \'colour palette.\' The \'tone of voice\' of each
channel is carefully controlled in line with the brand identity and the well
researched attitudes of its core audience. The \'tone of voice\' is shown in the
choice of visual imagery and in the language of promotional material as well as
in the \'house style\' elements.


Channel 4 uses external promotion, billboard and press and periodical
advertising to publicise new programmes and services. \'Free\' publicity has often
been guaranteed by Channel 4\'s more controversial programming. \'Themed nights\'
and \'seasons\' can be promoted through a judicious mixture of press releases and
paid-for advertising.

However, the most cost-effective form of promotion is \'cross-promotion,\' the use
of Channel 4\'s own airtime to promote programmes and related goods and services.
Promotional trailers are an obvious form of cross-promotion. One of the most
common \'covert\' forms of cross-promotion is the use of \'interstitials,\' short
sequences that accompany a programme or fill the gaps between them.
Interstitials include:

* channel \'idents\'
* sponsor \'idents\'
* \'bumpers\'
* title sequences
* credit sequences
* opticals
* packaging for themed nights
* film or programme intros
* moving publicity announcements

Cross-promotion can sometimes be counter-productive, it may irritate or confuse
viewers or cause \'brand confusion.\' This is why the promotion of Channel 4\'s
digital channels and interactive services is managed so carefully.

The use of promotions to produce revenue is carefully regulated (by Ofcom and
ICSTIS). An example of this is the use of premium rate telephone numbers and SMS
to elicit viewer voting in programmes like \'Big Brother.\' More orthodox revenue
producing promotion is often achieved through merchandise linked to programmes
(such as promoting \'the Book/DVD of the series\'). When used intelligently,
promotional techniques can enhance the viewing experience and provide valuable
sources of revenue, when mismanaged, however, they can damage public trust.

In 2007 a series of scandals about the mismanagement of premium rate \'phone-ins\'
hit the TV industry shaking public confidence in this particular kind of
cross-promotion. C4\'s \'You Say We Pay\' was the first programme to be criticised.
The response from C4 was rapid.

\"Channel 4 is to stop using phone-in competitions in its programmes for the
purposes of profit making as part of a tough new policy on the use of premium
rate telephone services (PRTS). The launch of the new policy coincides with
publication of the findings of an internal investigation into the You Say We Pay
competition in tea-time magazine strand, Richard & Judy,\"


The decision was a costly one for C4. PRTS had contributed £3 million to the
Channel\'s revenue in 2006. Channel 4\'s reputation, however, was worth far more
than this.

“As a commercially funded public service broadcaster we’ve previously taken the
view that premium rate competitions were a legitimate activity given the demand
from viewers to take part. But public trust in these competitions has been
severely undermined and we do not want to risk further our relationship with our
viewers. The Channel’s reputation is its most valuable asset and can only be
protected by demonstrating that we place the highest priority on safeguarding
the interests of our viewers and will take action if we find they have been let

Anne Bulford, Channel 4’s Group Finance Director

Broadcasting regulators Ofcom are now tightening the regulation of all types of
\'Participation TV\'. New rules are likely to include:

* New licence obligations for television and radio broadcasters which will
hold broadcasters directly responsible for consumer protection and PRS compliance.
* A requirement for television and radio broadcasters to ensure independent
third-party verification of PRS activity.


C4 Style Guide, 2007

Promotion in the future

The growth and convergence of Digital TV and broadband services is likely to
mean that broadcasters such as Channel 4 will have to promote their \'brand\' even
more actively in the future. The key promotional tool in the \'post Google\' world
is \'New Media\'.

C4 now has its own New Media department which both promotes the broadcasting arm
of C4 and commissions its own content. Channel 4’s website \'reaches\' around 10%
of the UK online audience each month, increasing to 20% when Big Brother is
being broadcast.

It is likely that the seamless integration of broadcast, broadband and on-demand
services will make effective cross-promotion even more important in the future.

\"If you want your brand to stand out from the crowd, especially in today\'s very
crowded multi-channel market, you need every advantage you can get. Just having
your logo permanently on screen all the time won\'t cut it any more.... You need
to make your station symbol, ident or logo very distinctive, something that will
grab your viewer\'s attention. You need to have your announcers present it
distinctively, you have to promo your station and programmes consistently and
judiciously, so that your viewer doesn\'t think they\'ve seen everything the
programme or channel might have to offer.

But most importantly, the brand has to become familiar in people\'s minds fairly
quickly, and the brand has to be respected, otherwise your potential audience
might not turn to your channel and that will prove disastrous.\"

Ian Beaumont, City Media Productions.


For a selection of C4 and E4 Idents and Bumpers see:





Off the Telly


Transdiffusion Network


For Channel 4 promotional guidelines see:




For Promotional Regulations see:

