I Like Lists!

Author: Shaunk...

The more I do the more I seem to forget. I'm improving when it comes to time management as I now have a fantastically colorful iCal diary on my computer (unfortunately I can't carry my computer everywhere), I'm getting more familiar with the work I do so can judge time allocation better, I now have processes in place and also have specific client relations experience. The problem is I'm having to now lean about law, finance and other gems of knowledge rather than just focusing on my web design.

Going on what I have read about the human brain I would say my memory is close to it's processing limit. Your short term memory can store on average seven units of conscious information before committing the most relevant stuff to the long term memory. Same as a computer your brain has limits on how much information it can process per second and how much it can store. When I work at full throttle it seems to be a case of 'Quid Pro Quo' where I get loads done but forget what I'm doing. This is annoying for me and my friends as I'm starting to repeat my self or forget what conversations I've had with who.

So need to fix this. I know there's all sorts of exercises to improve memory but I'm impatient and want a quick fix. My solution is Lists. Lists, lists, spreadsheets, diaries, post-its and reminders. I can be obsessively organized at times but this seems to be working in my favor, if I take time out now and again and organize myself, colour code things and write everything down it instantly seems like I have half as much to do and I have somewhere to start.


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