2020 relevance to DDM

Author: Shaunk...

So I chose to do my piece on cybernetic upgrades. Now at first I thought this sounded very far-fetched but after researching the issue and discovering what was already possible it started to sound more viable. The main issue at the moment seems to be peoples opinions about how unnatural it sounds and the general paranoia involved with any technologies the conspiracy nuts could accuse of being government spying/mind control devices. There are also numerous films which warn of a future where humans have been enslaved by robotic forces, another issue which doesn't help promote the idea of replacing bits of yourself with machines however societies do evolve. What seems incredible today will become everyday in the future, at first cybernetics will have medical benefits but then there will be people who will be happy to pay enormous amounts to gain superhuman abilities. Once the first few hop onboard the normalization process will begin, the price will lower and the ever fearful general public will become less freaked out by the idea, undoubtedly there will continue to be sceptics but this remains true for most things.

So why is this relevant? Digital media can be applied to a plethora of mediums at the moment but with the evolution of technologies like this where people could be capable of full spectrum vision, night vision, tele/microscopic vision or even live streaming internet TV and 3D environments the possibilities are endless. Advertisements could be heat or sound rather than visual, microscopic commercials could be on the rim of a wine glass or web popup in full 3D colour which would appear to surround and interact with the end user... I could rant on with many more possibilities but so sum up, in my opinion any technology like this will most definitely be relevant to any future digital designer!


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