Interactive Media - Initial thoughts & Inspiration
Author: Shaunk...
My initial thoughts on this project were to produce a simple game. An intro where you choose a character, which leads onto the first scene in the story. From here you play out the story as the character you chose or by selecting objects from the scenery to give their "eye witness" account of the events, once you have heard all the different parts you then move onto the next scene.
I did my animation project in flash and at first wanted to carry on this style. I then reconsidered this as I thought it better to try something different.
My first influences regarding the visual style would be the Neostream & Tokyo Plastic websites containing minimalist animated elements but applying them in striking ways. I also thought about the credit sequences from The Pink Panther, and Catch Me if you can. This is a style which I feel will work well with Flash.
However to expand on this idea I may only use this simple style for the background/foreground and give the opposite more detail (possibly hand drawn then scanned into illustrator and traced).