Videodrome Progess

Author: Shaunk...

We have not had much luck so far with getting permission to film inside a supermarket. I have spoke to Tesco, Morrisons and Asda so far. It has involved a lot of been passed around between call centers, stores, head offices and PR departments. Morrisons have said a definite no as they don't allow any filming of that nature the other two are still pending a final response. Tesco said photography would be no problem but were unsure about filming. The main problem has been when I said it was for a Horror Film, I don't think they want association with anything of that nature.

We are going to give it a little more time then rethink the whole issue! Not good and the deadline is getting ever closer.


2 Responses to “Videodrome Progess”

  1. Geraldo Maia

    Hola Shaunk,

  2. Shaunk...

    Hola Geraldo, ¿Qué tal?

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