How english culture encourages disillsionment
Author: Shaunk...
I have been trying to become a healthier person, I'm not saying I've perfected it yet but I have been trying and I now believe trying is the important part. It is just as important to fail as it is to succeed and we learn more from failure than success. In the past I have seen people like me as disillusioned weirdos, believing my way of life to be right and just. This is a result of the cultures surrounding me. If enough people tell you the same thing you start to believe it. I have a logical mind and have always questioned everything I have been told.
I now understand how wrong and narrow minded I have been. If the people around you normalize excessive drug consumption, breeding, greed or anything else you will start to think it is right and good. You then seek to reassure your beliefs by finding other people who think the same way. Developing strength and clarity of thought to develop my own natural abilties. Without labeling myself and without trying or wanting to conform.
It is hard to deviate from the group. I have experienced all three sexualities, befriended any interesting people from every cultural group as possible. I have worked hard to educate and understand my self and the universe.