Handed in Project Files
Author: Shaunk...
I have files allover the place for this project, I have handed the majority of them in but keep finding files and paper documents scattered around.
For ease of reading view on a mac as I have colour coded the folders:
Gray - Pre-existing, not part of the brief but relevant.
Green - Training, planning and research conducted as part of the brief.
Orange - Process files. The design, development, content creation and analysis parts of the brief.
Red - Marketing & guidelines, still under development.
As I am completing a slightly edited version of the brief here is what I am providing as the evidence requirements.
A - Live Website.
B - Social Networking Profiles, Marketing & advertising, portfolio to be built into site.
C - Blog & website.
E - Initial and revised calendars.
There is a version on the site on the disk but this only contains some of the folders, Dreamweaver didn't like it when I tried to copy the rest the CGI stuff off server. At present I think the News, Index and all the footer links are functional (except sitemap) the other pages need a part static, part dynamic structure I'm still working on. The search is a manual indexing script, it's rubbish so I'm looking to replace it, possibly with the Google API.