Recently I've been looking at different ways of incorporating text or functionality from Wordpress into HTML pages. The possibilities offered by WP are endless and constantly expanding. Whole sites can effectively be built and templates easily created to make the blog engine look like regular web sites.

There are many benefits of doing things this way too. A lot less time needs to be spent by the developer (me) on coding and programming.

At the moment I'm just looking at ways of adding simple blog feeds to web pages. I still have a few questions re. SEO and PHP but can't find much online about this. Do robots crawl headers if they are added via php includes? Is text stored in a database indexed?

Here is a few few relevant bits and pieces.

" has been tracking the growth of the number of blogs for
four years. As of April 2007, Technorati was tracking over 70 million blogs
and seeing a growth of approximately 120,000 creates each day. Technorati’s
David Sifry estimates that approximately 1.4 blogs are created every second
of every day (see"

Integrating WordPress with Your Website


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