The Little Peoples Revenge

Author: Shaunk...

The New New Economy: More Startups, Fewer Giants, Infinite Opportunity

The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online

"Bill Gates once derided open source advocates with the worst epithet a capitalist can muster. These folks, he said, were a "new modern-day sort of communists," a malevolent force bent on destroying the monopolistic incentive that helps support the American dream."

Fascinating articles resonating some of the issues I covered in my essay recently. The public awareness of false values instilled by industries persistent marketing tactics does seem to be on the rise. People are talking to each other, teaching themselves and working together. The availability of knowledge and technology made possible by the internet is an incredible advancement for humanity as a whole and is a formidable threat to big business. It is taken as gospel that in any highly competitive market whatever you offer eventually someone will find a way to offer the same thing for free. "Same" however is not the right word, similar is more appropriate and this is important. Open Source or free is no threat to any business so long as you are better in some form. Whatever you provide it must be effective, you must give people what they want and do it in the most streamlined way possible.

Looking at free products or Open Source software is great, it is free market research, just the same as looking at your competitors. You can see what the majority like, dislike and what is useful. This information is priceless, armed with this you then just need to look at your target audience, improve on the formula and tailor it to meet their specific needs. The free market is admittedly a large market but it is a separate entity from the premium market. If your product is worth paying for people will and whats more by specifically targeting this segment of the market you are also establishing a more stable cash flow. After all the free market consumers want to pay little or nothing for products and price is likely to be a bigger issue.

By targeting the people happy to pay extra for a better product you are tapping a much more reliable income, consumers willing to spend on luxury not necessity. Simple notion yet hard work. As previously mentioned people now talk, reviews and forums tell consumers who is good, bad and ugly in the market place. To compete you have to be good and stay good, listen to your customers and give them what they want. On a slight tangent you also need to remember who your targeting when you create your Brand, website and marketing. If you cover your web site and leaflets with "Call now for a FREE quote" or "FREE CONSULTATION" you may entice a few more leads but are they going to be the type of client you want? People with expendable income tend to place less emphasis on cost and expect not to pay for quotes or consultations anyway.


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