Sliced Bread Lectures
Author: Shaunk...
I watched this presentation by Seth Godin over the Easter Break. Very good subject coverage and well supported by visual examples. Worth a watch.
Sliced Bread Invented 1910's by Otto Rohwedder.
He focused on patent and making.
Was unsuccessful and a failure for the first 15 years.
Wonder saw the potential and spread the idea.
Ideas that spread win.
Century of idea diffusion.
TV industrial complex not working the way it used to.
Coke Japan releases a new product every 3 weeks. (water-salad)
Consumers - the world revolves around me.
More choices less time.
Obvious thing to do is ignore stuff.
You don't stop the car to look at a cow but you might if it were purple.
Advertising must be remarkable.
Arron Chair.
Lynal Pooling - baker $10 million a year in bread.
Curve Diagram 10:00.
Advertise to the ones listening & they will tell their friends.
Safe is risky.
Frank Gury.
Figure out who does care.