Salton's Vector Space Model

Author: Shaunk...

I've recently been reading SEO Truth by Philip Midwinter. It's a short Ebook produced by a Leeds based SEO agency.

When discussing the subject of Page Rank he talks about Salton's Vector Space Model. I had not heard of this before. Now the mathematics behind it is a little complicated so I thought best not get obsessed trying to fully comprehend what is going on but apparently this is the basis originally used for information retrieval by Google and many other search engines.

Given the fact that search indexing has come along way in recent years and that Google keep their exact algorithms tight to their chest to outwit them pesky SEO execs this is not a 'holy grail' answer to understanding Page Rank. However it is a good basis. It's like meeting a man who once sold a dog to the man who made the holy grail!

Definitely worth looking into.

More Reading:
Google Directory Papers



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