Several of the articles I have read recently have been referring to growing concern over online privacy. I can see why this is an issue, many sites now ask you to register, search engines save your personal history & create profiles or perform targeted marketing and the rise of social networking has contributed enormously to the amount of personal details that are now held online. I believe steps are been taken to combat these issues, software has been developed that wipes browser & search engine history but this doesn't work for some toolbars and apps like facebook have improved privacy options but if you decide to delete your account they still store all your personal info. Information is very valuable in todays society, mainly for marketing, sales & research purposes but there is a valid element of risk in the storage of your details as all financial institutions now ask security questions, questions which are usually requesting personal info. I have also seen many companies who collect details in less than ethical ways ie. asking people to register on survey, mystery shopper, data entry websites all enticing people with offers of easy money then not delivering the offered services for one reason or another. I also saw a site recently that offers to pay commission on selling your details. Surely these tactics are inefficient & erroneous as these methods will attract a certain type of person namely housewives, unemployed and students. If companies are using these details as market research no wonder there is so much crap on sale.


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