PPD Presentation afternoon
Author: Shaunk...
The group all gave their end of year presentations today, it was an interesting experience for numerous reasons. Firstly there were some really good presentations containing nice bits of work. I think Big Dave stole the show because of his editing skills and because he can communicate his humor really well via video. He was probably followed by Tom H for similar reasons, Christina's rendering skills definitely need a mention and Kieran's idea worked well as a tool.
Today however was somewhat of a struggle, I could not concentrate whatsoever and by mid-afternoon was giving myself a headache trying to! I don't know if it was the heat or what but physically it was a very unpleasant afternoon.
As the day progressed I realised how many of the group were intending to follow the motion route over the interactive and this made me rethink my presentation content. As I am becoming to realize, the more I get familiar with developer technologies the more often I find myself ranting on about fascinations or qualities of CSS, variables or other similar nonsense only to be met by blank faces or an expression not dissimilar to the good old "what have I just trodden on?" thought we have all experienced. With this in mind I then decided to ditch the technical aspect of my presentation so as not to put the room to sleep. This did unfortunately throw me off balance a little when it came to showing the presentation and I did somehow find it harder to present to a room of people who I knew had little interest in the subject matter then it would have been to speak out to a much larger crowd of people who were there to hear more about a subject they were interested in.
So to tie everything up. I learned quite a bit from the afternoon, saw what skills other people on the course had and got a better idea of what the course is all about. Personally I gained insight into how my plans differ from most of the peoples on the course and physically highlighted that my body is not suited to working in uncomfortable temperatures or that I need to get my skinny ass registered with a doctors and find out if I do have ADD/ADHD or I do just have no attention span!