Videodrome Plan B
Author: Shaunk...
After been denied access by all the supermarkets for various reasons we have had to come up with a new idea. We did some brainstorming today and settled on something very different but still want to be heavily dependent on creating a mood via the use of camera shots and movements rather than just filming something scary.
The new piece is going to be called something like paranoia. The idea is to play on peoples natural fears and create some kind of association with the victim. We are going to film the video from the 1st persons perspective as they walk through the streets of Leeds. We are going to film the victim leaving work/pub or somewhere common and apparently walking home. Along the journey we want to incorporate noises, movements and create a tense feeling of paranoia. I think a good way to end the film would be to either have the victim kidnapped (bag over head) or have her neck snapped.
When coming up with the idea we had to consider the limitations of time, location and actors now imposed upon us but I believe this idea can be achieved effectively in the remaining time frame. We are scheduled to film on Wednesday. I had a slight wander around on my way back home too and have seen a few suitable streets, quiet, secluded, old fashioned or dilapidated areas will probably be best to instill discomfort.