The Mummy Returns

Author: Shaunk...

I'm back after a xmas break (or an anti-xmas slave in my case). Got a ton of half finished posts on here, a quite few relating to the last brief but can't really remember what the point of them was so shall just forget about them and move on. The last project and pretty much everything going on at the end of last term was a mess so think it's best just to write them off and not dwell.

So Xmas. My first week was spent primarily catching up with my football field sized to do list. I finished off some of my Brand Manager bits, completed some of the freelance jobs, learnt more about SEO, image viewers, cross browser problems and a few other web subjects. I also worked my way through the Total Training actionscript tutorials disks.

Second week was predominantly more actionscript training and starting on my final site planning and redesign for Primitive. I also spend some time doing a bit of illustration.

Third week was a little bit of Photoshop design tutorials and a hell of a lot of actionscript. I've branched out into learning more about dynamic content. I've covered a small amount of PHP, XML and mySQL. I've been finding out how to create and animate flash content with just actionscript. This all got a little obsessive, I've lost several nights sleep working out how to do sill little things and have propper fooked myself up now, don't feel very pretty at all :(

I've not had internet for a month so not been doing any posting, I had to spend a good few days getting passed from BT to O2 to BeUnlimited then round in circles trying to sort out broadband. The security systems in place these days sometimes make doing the simplest things into a rubix level event. First off I had to order the phoneline twice as BT somehow lost the order placed by the very nervous and confused rep. Finally when the line was activated I couldn't get broadband off O2 because Be had a tag on the line. Be wouldn't discuss the matter as I was not the account holder!!! Got told BT need to resolve the issue, BT said O2 need to resolve the issue, O2 said Be need to do it? After an afternoon of phone calls and pressing more buttons then professional button presser I finally got an answer of Be saying it wasn't a tag it was a pending order. Of course they could not discuss this with me as I was not the account holder! It was sorted eventually by getting proof from BT it was my phone number then sending a copy to Be.

I got internet back just last weekend. Needless to say I couldn't do much web design work over xmas. It's a bit hard to do without the internet! This was kinda a good thing as I did sift my way though a pile of other things.


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