Todays Session
Author: Shaunk...
The past few sessions led us towards producing a funny video. Since then we moved on to thinking how this could be made viral. As a whole campaign the video could best be used as a teaser or incentive to spoke user interaction. The video could be distributed via email, text, social networks, online, tv etc... There would then have to be some kind of call to action inciting the public to get involved. This could be done by giving them the ability to forward the video to friends or enter the email details of a friend. It would be good to refer the recipient to a central point for the campaign possibly a web site.
To do this we came up with the underlying purpose of the campaign where the public could upload something. Possibly a picture of a friend or person whom makes them "feel good", they would then add a comment complimenting that person ie. Janet has... or Bob is... (the thinking behind this is that compliments make people feel good). A selection of these could then be chosen to be printed on the Feel Good bottle labels.
Alternatively they could upload their own funny videos.
Today has been spent on deciding roles and time planning.