Fickle or Not?

Author: Shaunk...

I just saw an article on MSN about Jade Goody having bowel cancer removed. I'm intrigued to see the effect this is going to have on her career. It's possibly a little macabre to say but this is a PR guys dream come true, any professional worth their weight in yogurt could take this event as an opportunity to milk the public sympathy vote, leak a few stories here and there telling how really lovely she is and was so upset by the whole Big Brother events.

Still they'll have their work cut out keeping her mouth shut...

Now the fun part. Is the British public that fickle? Can they be swayed to believe what they're told rather than rationalizing and remaining true to their own beliefs?

This then leads on to another question. If she does indeed reappear on TV screens and on the pages of weekly magazines what does this say about our judgment? Do we give too much credit to a persons recent actions? Could a lifetime of damsel saving good deeds be wiped out by one error of judgment or vice versa at what point does the villian become the hero?

It is also plausible then if we are to apply this to the celebrity world to apply it to our own. Have you ever fallen out with anyone (or been fallen out with), a longstanding friend perhaps, a good friend who committed one bad deed and sullied their reputation. If this is the case is a mistake worth loosing someone good? Is it not better to judge someone accumatively, after all mistakes are important learning tools.

Finally I just thought I best say I don't hate Jade Goody and I don't want her dead. I hope she recovers and lives a long life. Far away from me. The point being I do not believe she should have been raised to celebrity status in the first place. Unfortunately celebs hold a grate deal of influence over the younger generations and also popularize trends and normailze behavior among the adult population. Jade is not a good role model, just imaging a whole city of Jade Goody's. Welcome to hell.


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