Author: Shaunk...
Yes, my sentiments exactly!
The formula c=4m+3v+2(i-f)-2a sums up the potential factors that influence landing page conversion rates. This include everything from site design to what your potential customers had for lunch.
Developed by MarketingExperiments.com this “formula” is based on their own research encompassing many client web sites. It is not a true mathematical relationship in any formal sense, but it can help you understand which factors affect landing page conversion rates at a practical level.
C= The probability of conversion.
m= Motivation of the user. This is basically how badly they want what you have, and the reason they want it. This is the element you have the least control over.
v= Clarity of value proposition. This is probably the most important element because you do have control over it. I’ll be writing about this next month in detail.
i= Incentive to take action. What are you offering to stimulate a desired action.
f= Friction elements in the conversion process. Anything that impedes the visitor from taking action. Common friction causes are forms with too many fields, or confusing options/choices.
a= Anxiety about entering information. This could be things like testimonials, an award, Better Business Bureau logos, etc.
Marketing Experiments