FedEx Logo - Am I dense?
Author: Shaunk...
I've been doing some logo design training for the past week or so...
Now I can admittadly be a bit of a space cadet at times, living in my own little magic garden shed on top of an imaginary hill made of porridge oats.
One of the logos referred to a few times is FedEx (quite a famous and well know logo). I'm currently on a chapter about the use of negative space and FedEx is again been used as and example.
I'm ashamed to say I'd never even noticed the uniquely inventive aspect of this logo before. And I've even worked in companies using FedEx, handling their branded document envelopes weekly even daily.
Now have I just been really dim here or has anyone else missed it too?
OK, who can see the arrow? Or more importantly did you know it was there before it was pointed out?